Pistol shooting

Everyone in our family knew how to shoot, including my mother and sister. My father, who was an active officer in the KGB of the USSR, believed that everyone in our family should know how to handle firearms, just in case.

Okhota Granitsa

Due to certain internal requirements of his organization, my father and his colleagues were required to undergo regular training and periodically pass shooting exams. As a result, my father would accumulate a considerable supply of ammunition every three months, and we would organize trips to secluded yet picturesque locations, where we would practice shooting with his standard-issue “Makarov” pistol.


Sometimes we would venture into mountain gorges, while other times we would choose the banks of a river or a clearing in the woods. We often combined shooting practice with hunting. Despite that, my father never took the life of any animal or bird, but he enjoyed the process itself.

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Fishing in the Black Sea in Bulgaria.

In the summer and especially in the autumn, the Black Sea becomes the season for sea fishing, which differs from fishing in freshwater bodies. Fishing from the pier, or “from the quay,” offers an exciting dynamic and thrill. The sea is home to various predatory fish species that bite with special intensity. Even if the catch is not always huge, the process of fishing and battling with the fish adds a unique energy and excitement.

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From late September until December, there is active fishing for Ilaria and Kefal (Mullet), followed by Zargana (Mackerel) and Safrid (Horse Mackerel), Black Sea Sprat, and Lefter (Bluefish).

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31st October 2013, on our son Nikita’s birthday, we launched our family website. The idea had been floating in the air for a long time. Our computer archives and other memory devices accumulated a vast amount of textual information, scanned archival photographs, including those of our ancestors, analog and digital photos, video recordings, and so on.

The main goal and idea behind creating a family portal was and still is to maintain the connection between generations, to remember our ancestors, and to pass on our family information to our descendants, which will soon become history for them, but already for our followers.

Every person is mortal, and very often, their departure is sudden. After the end of a person’s life journey, only the memory of them remains. Man-made monuments do not last forever, but the memory stored on information carriers, passed from generation to generation, becomes a tremendous resource for the family and clan for centuries.

A person cannot become vile if they care about the history of their family and ancestors. Rather, they will strive not to disgrace the memory of their ancestors and to enhance their good deeds with their own.